Signs Of Narcissism

Narcissism is an extreme self-involvement behavior that makes a person ignore the feelings and needs of people close to them. Even though everyone might show narcissistic behavior occasionally, true narcissists, most of the time, disregard other people’s feelings. 

It is essential to understand that narcissism is basically a trait, but it can be a personality disorder. Not every person who portrays narcissist behavior has narcissistic personality disorder. The causes are still not known, but they can be associated with genetics, environment, or neurobiology. 

Knowing the signs of narcissism can be helpful, especially in relationships. Narcissistic people are often charismatic and charming. Often, they do not show negative characters right away. These people like to be surrounded by people who can feed into their egos. Normally, they will build relationships to reinforce their ideas about themselves. 

They will always blame others, are very sensitive, and react extremely badly to any slight criticism or disagreements. So in such cases, taking good narcissism treatments will become the need of the hour. 

Follow this guide closely to have a better understanding of the narcissism world, including the signs to note, causes, types, etc.

What is Narcissism?

Many are wondering and asking themselves, ‘What is narcissism?’ Well, narcissism is a trait characterized by a high sense of self-importance, lack of empathy, and need for admiration. Narcissism definition revolves around self-centeredness and not thinking about others or now minding how they feel. 

People who show narcissistic traits only think about themselves in terms of achievements and abilities. They tend to seek admiration from other people. They have an extreme sense of entitlement and see themselves as special and unique.

In addition, those having narcissistic behavior tend to manipulate others to attain their goals since they have no empathy. Narcissism level is viewed on a spectrum, and it ranges from healthy narcissism to pathological narcissism. There are different narcissism tests to find if a person is seriously facing this problem or not. 

Healthy narcissism entails a certain level of self-esteem and self-confidence, while pathological narcissism is characterized by not considering others’ interests, being self-centered, etc. 

Different Types of Narcissism

Narcissism comes in different ways and can be categorized into various subtypes based on the behaviors or characteristics. Here are the common types of narcissism:

  • Grandiose narcissism: This is a type of narcissism characterized by arrogance, grandiosity, and an immense sense of self-importance. Those with grandiose narcissism tend to seek validation or admiration.
  • Vulnerable narcissism: It’s characterized by weak esteem or sensitivity to criticism and insecurity issues. The narcissist will appear introverted or shy but have feelings of resentment or entitlement.
  • Malignant narcissism: Combines NPD with aggression, antisocial behavior, and lack of empathy. People suffering from malignant narcissism exhibit exploitative, manipulative tendencies.
  • Communal narcissism: This type of narcissism entails self-importance and a sense of entitlement from perceived generosity. Such people tend to seek validation and admiration for their form of kindness, but their motives are self-serving.
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Important Signs of Narcissism To Know 

Narcissistic people can exhibit various narcissistic traits. But, not everyone who shows narcissistic characteristics has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). There are signs of narcissism you can spot from a narcissistic person. Let’s discuss Let’s

Controlling/manipulative behavior

A common sign of narcissism is controlling or manipulative behavior. A narcissist person will do everything in their power to impress you, but in reality, they come first. Narcissists tend to keep others at a certain distance to maintain control. In extreme cases, they exploit people to gain something in return. 

Sense of entitlement

A sense of entitlement is among the most common narcissism symptoms that can help you spot a narcissistic individual. It’s a psychological trait where one believes he/she deserves special privileges, treatment, or recognition without having earned it. People with such behaviors expect to be favored by getting special benefits. They believe people should obey their wishes and do as they want. 


People with narcissistic behavior always require validation from others. Usually, they need to be constantly paused or admired. Most often, they brag or exaggerate about their accomplishments so that they can be recognized. In addition, they like being appreciated to boost their egos.

No Empathy

The inability to understand or recognize the emotions of others is also seen in people with narcissistic behavior. As one of the symptoms of narcissism, a lack of empathy is always seen in narcissistic individuals. They are unwilling and unable to empathize with the wants, feelings, and needs of others. In such cases, they may not be ready to be responsible for their behavior and need narcissism treatment. 

Weak self-esteem

Even though a narcissist will display confidence, they usually have very fragile self-esteem. They feel threatened when they are rejected, failed, or criticized. In some cases, they can react aggressively and defensively to the perceived challenge or criticism so that they can change their self-image.

High levels of envy and jealousy

As a symptoms of narcissism, people tend to feel envious or resent others due to their success, possessions, or accomplishments. They see others as threats to their self-esteem, which can make them act hostile or resentful to people they perceive as rivals.


Arrogance is also one major narcissism symptoms that narcissistic people have. They see themselves above others and more superior so they can be abusive or rude when their needs are not fulfilled. They speak rudely toward those they see as inferior.


Narcissism is a mental disorder that can adversely affect your personal life and those around you. Understanding the signs of narcissism earlier can save you. You can talk to your therapist if you realize you may have NPD. 

Go through a narcissism test to understand better about this issue. Through narcissism treatments, you can effectively manage this condition and live a healthy life with your loved ones.