How to Get Rid of a Hickey: 10 Tips and Trick to Follow

How to Get Rid of a Hickey
Basically, a hickey is a bruise that would occur as a result of sucking or a little bite on your skin. It occurs if blood vessels break and bleeding occurs under the surface of your skin. A hickey may have different appearances in color, with some being blue, brown, or red.  Hickeys can be embarrassing,...

How to Stop Hair Fall: 20 Fruitful Steps To Follow

How to stop hair fall
A full, healthy head of hair is considered essential to one's look and self-esteem. It might be upsetting if it starts to thin or fall out. Knowing that there are a few things you can do to either encourage hair development or stop hair fall might be beneficial. Identifying and addressing how to stop hair...

Natural Ways to Induce Labor – 6 Risk Free Steps To Know

natural ways to induce labor
Pregnancy is a wonderful and an amazing journey. But being pregnant for a whole nine months without going into labor is no fun. Even though it is normal for any pregnancy to continue for two weeks past the finish line, it's for sure frustrating, not to mention the swelling of feet, back pains, feeling...

How To Lose Weight Fast: 10 Simple Steps To Try

Fastest way to loose weight
In the pursuit of weight loss a plenty of people are drawn to quick fix solutions and fad diets hoping for rapid results. But experts in nutrition and dietetics advocate for a more balanced and sustainable approach.  Gradual weight loss can help you increase the likelihood of maintaining the achieved weight and also ensures the...

7 Health Benefits of Peanuts You Didn’t Know

health benefits of peanuts
Peanuts are often found in the form of peanut butter and are a staple food in many kitchens. Despite their name, they aren't considered nuts. Recently, cashews, almonds, and other forms of nuts have been taking the spotlight since alternative nut butter is awash in store shelves. You may wonder if peanuts are still...